Monday, March 31, 2014

Literacy With an Attitude- Extended Comments

This week I decided to do an extended comments blog and I really liked the connections that Madison made in her post. Madison uses this quote from Finn to explain the first connection she made.
“Over time, political, social, and economic forces have brought us to a place where the working class gets domesticating education and functional literacy, and the rich gets empowering education and powerful literacy. We don’t worry about a literate working class because the kind of literacy they get doesn’t make them dangerous”
Madison was able to relate this to the Brown vs. Board of Education case, and the interview with Tim Wise. Madison compares the racial issue in Brown vs. Board of Ed to the social class issue discussed in the Finn article. I found this interesting because I did not make that connection until I read Madison's blog, and I saw her insight into the readings. She really interpreted the readings in a way that I did not.
For Madison's second connection she said she found herself constantly thinking of Delpit. She used this quote from the Finn article to relate the content to Lisa Delpit.
“I was from the working class and I knew how working-class and poor kids related to authority. They expected people in authority to be authoritarian, and I gave them what they expected
Madison explains that this is basically the main idea that Delpit presents. You must teach explicity the rules and codes of power . I firmly agree with this statement as well. If you as a teacher do not tell the children what is expected of them, how are they supposed to know what they can and cannot do inside of your classroom? Madison also makes another connection to Delpit. Finn states that he is direct with the students instead of talking to them in a questioning manner. Delpit explains that you always have to be direct with the students because then the students will definitely know whether or not they are right or wrong. I found this connection as well when I read the article so I felt intelligent when I read it on someone else's blog.
The last thing that Madison talks about in her blog post was an article that she found that related to the Finn article. The article is about grouping, which I personally think can both help and hinder a student depending on their outlook on learning. I know that in my service learning placement, all of my students are grouped together because they are the most behind and they need the most help. I think that grouping the students together like this when there is a worker specifically helping them is not a bad idea. The only thing that turns me off to the grouping idea is the fear that the students may start to feel stupid, and that is the last thing that you want as a teacher. If a student were to catch on to the group being all the students who are most behind in the classroom, it could be possible that they would begin to feel like they are less intelligent than their peers, which will turn them off to learning.
Madison, great job on your post and thank you for helping me with mine.

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